Here’s a small selection of my past projects.
Pearse Ahern and Megan O'Connor, 2021
An innovative and exciting programme that brings the Junior Cycle Irish specification and language learning to life in the classroom.
editing, proofreading
Michael Traynor, 2019
Two lavishly illustrated volumes containing the biographies of over a dozen
Irishwomen who were at the cutting edge of the aeronautical
revolution that swept these islands in the early twentieth century.
copy-editing, design and layout, indexing
Clodagh Dunlop, 2019
A remarkable memoir telling the story of how a young woman fought her way out of locked-in syndrome and recovered, returning to her work as a police officer.
development editing, copy-editing
Blackstaff Press, 2019
This landmark book is a history of the Troubles told by the journalists who were on the ground from the beginning, including many of the biggest names in journalism from the last 50 years.
Cambridge University Press, 2019
An academic-light English course created to build the skills and language students need for their studies
Albertas, 2017
A unique collection of Irish newspapers from the period 1916–49, with background and commentary from some of Ireland's leading historians.
Blackstaff Press, 2016
An incredible story straddling two continents – the story of a woman who, rejecting the conventional life mapped out for her, took her passion for social justice all the way to the Northern Ireland Assembly.
development editing, copy-editing
Wordwell Books, 2016
A unique and beautifully illustrated guide to Ireland’s Garden County,
including suggestions for walks and information on areas of local
heritage and natural history.
copy-editing, design and layout
The Educational Company of Ireland, 2016
An exciting, completely new edition of the highly successful
coursebook for Leaving Certificate Higher-Level Irish.
copy-editing, proofreading, image research
Éditions du Signe, 2016
The official souvenir guide for Dublin’s newest immersive visitor
experience. Explore how Ireland’s diaspora changed the world.
copy-editing, proofreading
© 2021 Alicia McAuley Publishing Services